Getting the intestines going with fermented vegetables In the past, vegetables were fermented to make them stable for the cold season. Today fermentation is also valued for its good tolerance and aromatic taste. This not only makes the vegetables longer-lasting, it also strengthens the intestines and the immune system.
How our genes affect the risk of diabetes An ancient mutation in our body could protect people from high blood sugar and diabetes. The mutation was discovered when a gene called CLTCL1 was examined that is involved in the removal of sugar from the bloodstream.
Give suppositories or to the doctor? Correctly assessing fever in children If children have a fever, parents are usually quickly on the alert. In some cases, the concerns are justified, but not always. An expert explains when medication is useful and when to see a doctor.
Mental disorders: susceptibility to disease develops as early as childhood A new study has shown that increased allergies in childhood increase the risk of mental and chronic inflammatory diseases in adulthood. The new findings are further confirmation of the hygiene hypothesis.
Recall expanded due to increased vitamin D content: dog food hazard In February, Hill’s Pet Nutrition launched a worldwide dog food recall. Now the recall has been extended due to an increased vitamin D content. In the meantime, several dogs are said to have died after eating the affected food.
How does transfusion of young blood affect older people, is it possible that transmission of blood from young people in old people can revitalize poor health? Researchers have already managed to do this, but for the time being only in mice. Are the results transferable to people?